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The International Defence Exhibition, “IDEX” has successfully established itself as one of the largest defence exhibitions in the world. IDEX has now become a global gateway to showcase the latest international developments in innovative weaponry and defensive armory, and plays a pivotal role in strengthening relations with government departments and armed forces, not only in the Middle East, but across the world.
Since the inaugural exhibition in 1993, international trust and presence in the number of exhibitors and visitors has continued to expand. To maintain the momentum garnered from the international community, IDEX has continued to expand the overall exhibition space. The size of the exhibition halls, conferences and outdoor space has increased to accommodate the regional and international companies wishing to displaythe latest technology and military weaponry for the land, air and the sea.
IDEX has distinguished itself from other international events that take place on the other side of the world and is always looking to bring new additions to the event. IDEX 2015 will be the most interesting stage in the history of the exhibition, as it will include the first edition of the Unmanned Systems Exhibition (UMEX). UMEX 2015 will provide a professional platform for security and defence manufacturers to promote the latest developments and benefits of unmanned systems.
The focal point of IDEX on the world stage encapsulates the positive perception of the United Arab Emirates. Not only through hosting a global exhibition, but also as a platform that displays the huge improvementsseen from an economical point of view, as well asthe gracious goodwill towards the country. IDEX is powerful testimony to the superiority of the United Arab Emirates, and the continuous rejuvenation and transformation seen across the nation.
Since it’sunveil to the world in 1993, IDEX has adopted a continuous approach to maintain a professional and successful exhibition. These longstanding principals are as follows:
1- Absolute and Unrestricted Compliance with Support of Regional Leaders: IDEX Exhibition falls under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces – may Allah protect him. His
Highness’guidance and loyalty towardsthe exhibitionhas assisted inmodernizing the United Arab Emirate’s Armed Forces. IDEX also incorporates auspicious interest from his Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, State Vice-President, Prime Minister and Dubai Governor – may Allah protect him –who views the exhibition as a landmark, “platform to develop our Nation’s armies and technical expertisefor the defence industry, as well as a global forum for cooperation and the exchange of vital experiences.”
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is devoted to theIDEXExhibition as a reflection of the cultural renaissance of the United Arab Emirates. His Highness will be present during the course of IDEX, holding meetings with representatives from international companies, alongside dignitaries and leaders of many of the nation’s participating in the exhibition.
The support of the IDEX Exhibitionfrom the ruling leaders of the United Arab Emirates establishestheformidable success built, confirming the event’s commitment to the promotion of the United Arab Emirates. This duty and kindness also displays allegiance and faithfulnesstothe Nation’s Armed Forces and to further advance IDEX on the global stage.
2. Cooperation by the Emirates’Armed Forces:The involvement of the Emirates Armed Forces hasachieved a positive impact on the overall success of theIDEX Exhibition. The Nation’s Armed Forces are heavily committed to the event, offering guidance in the organizing and management leading up to and throughout the event. The Armed Forces are also devoted to the Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center (ADNEC) to ensuresuccess is achieved across the board at IDEX to maintain its position as the world’s leading joint defence exhibition. Furthermore, the cooperation seen from the Armed Forces is a strategic general command to instil theArmed Forces across vital sectors operating in the United Arab Emirates and to be at the forefront of the knowledge and thinking in local commanders, officers and otherbusiness leaders.
3. The Cumulative Professional Experience from all Participants: Vital to achieve a resoundingly successful exhibition, and the purpose of its mandate, the IDEX Exhibition hascontinued to grow and advance ahead of the twelfth edition, in 2015. The reason behind this great success is the organization around each exhibition that help contribute further to the entire success of IDEX 2015. Also, the importance of having solid cooperation between the event organizers and Cupid Media, a company that has introduced in 2015 a brand new mobile phone application.
The sophisticated smartphone application is a one-stop shop and digital platform for visitors to stay informed about every detail of the event. Elsewhere, delegates are able to view detailed exhibition information and request meetings in real-timeto get the most out of their time on-site at the Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center. Every user will also be able to explore the three-dimensional (3D) video tour of the event and virtual map of the show floors, updates and background information about this year’s exhibitors,as well asreviews of company products and services. The smartphone application has been developed in cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Tourism &Culture Authority to provide visitors and exhibitors useful advice and information about the city of Abu Dhabi.
4. The Advanced Developments enjoyed by the United Arab Emirates:As an increasing number of defence and military companies continue to be attracted to the IDEX Exhibition, the profound success achieved and international critical acclaim seen can be attributed to the upmost confidence in the United Arab Emirates. The Nation has continued to advance its internal infrastructure, deploying projects that match those of developed countries, in particular across the energy, transport, airports, maritime ports, international aviation space, national railway projects and (metro), roads and bridges, as well as other integrated infrastructure projects. Collectively, the progress and innovation in these sectors, has provided IDEX and other exhibitions, with a solid footing tocontinue forward in the United Arab Emirates.
5.A climate of security and stability is embedded in the United Arab Emirates:The IDEX Exhibition has consolidated its position as the world’s leading defence event platform,which continuously attracts international companies to the stage,due to a variety of factors. One crucial key to its success has been the state of security and stability from the country upon which it operates, proving that the United Arab Emirates is an oasis of security and safety, not only in the Middle East region, but in the world.
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