ESCRIBANO MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING (EM&E), a leading Spanish company in innovation and cutting-edge technologies in the aerospace, defence and safety sector, is participating in two of the projects approved by the European Commission in the call of the European Defence Fund (EDF) 2021 on 20 July: HYDEF (Hypersonic European Defence Interceptor) and FAMOUS II (Future Armoured Highly Mobile European Armoured Systems).
HYDEF is one of the flagship projects of the 2021 call, being the largest budgeted project with a funding of €100 million, the largest grant awarded by EDF to a project. The programme aims to develop an interceptor against hypersonic and manoeuvrable ballistic missiles, as well as other threats in the lower atmosphere. The result will be an efficient interceptor capable of operating at different flight levels, including a novel aerodynamic control actuation system for high manoeuvrability, highly agile guidance concepts and advanced sensor and tracker systems.

For its part, funded with almost 95 million euros, FAMOUS II is the second part of FAMOUS, a project that seeks to define and develop technologies for wheeled or tracked armoured vehicles to improve their combat capacities in complex environments.
EM&E’s collaboration in various European defence programmes is not limited to HYDEF and FAMOUS. It also participates in other EDIDP (European Defence Industrial Development Programme) projects, including JEY C-UAS (Joint European sYstem for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems), focused on the development of anti-drone capacities; and e-COLORS (European COmmon LOng Range indirect fire Support System), which seeks to develop the new generation of artillery and rocket launcher systems.

National industrial collaboration
In line with cooperation in the European framework, EM&E also collaborates with the national industry in different projects with the aim of adding capacities to undertake large- scale projects to position our national defence industry both nationally and internationally.
Proof of this is the company TESS Defence, created for the manufacturing of the 8×8 Dragon Wheeled Combat Vehicles (VCR), a clear example of industrial collaboration in the defence sector, which was established with the firm objective of safeguarding Spanish strategic capacities through the management of competitive programmes that contribute to the national interest.
Another example is the SMS consortium, whose target is to promote research and development and innovation in high-performance guided missile and munitions systems to serve the needs of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces. This project brings together the capacities and technologies of three national companies to respond to the creation of a new pillar, hitherto non-existent in Spain, as is the missile sector.
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