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Russian Helicopters, part of State Corporation Rostec, has won the Ministry of Trade and Industry award for best integrated corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy. The certificate was awarded by Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov on Thursday 19 February.
“Given the complex macroeconomic environment these awards take on a particular importance,” said Evgeny Kuzmenkov, Director for HR and Organizational Development at Russian Helicopters. “Our company is an integrated structure, which is constantly changing in response to external and internal factors. The company is developing: in 2014, it expanded to include five aircraft repair plants, new areas of activity emerged – the right to carry out external trade activity involving military products. But the main asset in this complex, dynamic process is and will always be the people – thanks to whom Russian Helicopters has been able to achieve success both domestically and internationally.”
Russian Helicopters’ HR policy is dedicated to improving living and working conditions for its staff. The company creates new high-performance jobs, including for people with limited abilities, is further developing its system of material and non-material incentives, and implements a range of workplace training and career development programmes. Working in conjunction with trades unions, the company offers employees comprehensive support in addressing housing and social issues, and joins forces with educational institutions in holding careers events to attract talented young people to the sector.
Russian Helicopters Deputy CEO for Sales and Marketing Grigory Kozlov, Director for HR and Development Evgeny Kuzmenkov, Aircraft Industry Trade Union Chair Nikolai Soloviev, and Chair of the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant Council for Young Specialists Evgeny Makarov all took part in the Ministry for Industry and Trade’s awards ceremony.
Over 450 enterprises from across the defence industry took part in the competition, including companies that fall under the purview of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Roscosmos, Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz), FMBA Rossiya, and State Corporation Rosatom, including: 121 industrial enterprises, 123 research enterprises, 25 integrated structures that include 182 organisations.
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