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LAHORE: For turning global failures in counter-radicalisation into success, a Norway-based Pakistani researcher Tahir Mahmood has mathematically found the sole process and origin of radicalisation for whose empirical solutions foreign funding is also being pledged to the terror-hit states including Pakistan.
The model devised by the Pakistani researcher who is also the Founder and Project Director of Research and Resource Centre for Diversity & Integration, Norway, presents nine preventive solutions for governments and it is also called 5D dialogue model. Besides presenting preventive methodology it addresses even those minute details and mental changes that have not been scientifically addressed in the world renowned models like Borum’s Four-stage Model, Nato’s holistic view of radicalisation, NY Police Department Model, Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism, Precht’s Model and Danish Security and Intelligence Service Preventive Model (PET).
Tahir Mahmood, while talking to The News from Norway, said once his model is put to test in practice, it will yield miraculous results since it identifies the actual, underlying process of radicalisation never ever discovered by any scientist or researcher so far. At this moment, the Pak researcher clarified that he had to undergo intensive research of a multidimensional nature involving human situations, behavioral science, intercommunication and socio-ideological impact etc to discover the actual source of radicalisation.
According to Mahmood, one of the fundamental root cause of failure of the existing models is the burial of counter-extremism intelligentsia and officials under the huge bank of root causes, triggers, data and catalysts etc. And they have little knowledge about the sole process of radicalisation and that is the main cause of failure. “Unfortunately, numerous causes and triggers etc have not been assembled according to the true understanding of the process of radicalisation for developing empirical solutions.
This huge bank of knowledge has been sitting as subjective knowledge and only few scholars were competent to assimilate this subjective knowledge to systematic knowledge for exploring direct goals. But mostly researchers remained sitting on the knowledge bank to write and write hundreds of articles, books and publications and subsequently they evaluated a conceptual world of radicalisation by mixing their own and others’ individual experiences and perceptions”, stated Tahir.
The Tahir method has also been acknowledged in some circles of Europe and other countries. A retired Arab General, Brigadier General Pilot (retired) Andre Bou Maachar, editor of SDArabia, defence and security journal of the Arab world, has called Tahir Model impressive.
According to Bou Maachar, “It is an impressive approach to a dilemma that will trouble the world for more centuries to come. After all we shouldn’t spare a way to strive for a safer tomorrow on the basis that all other proposed methods have failed so far. I can’t see why Tahir Mahmood’s approach shouldn’t be given a chance to prove its validity”.
Keeping in view these developments and observations, The News asked Mahmood to draw a comparison between his model and other models that have been already tried but failed. While answering this question, Mahmood replied, “All these models are unidirectional, non-cognitive, non-descriptive, primitive and not backed by evaluating tools like algebraic equations and as such, they cannot evaluate all parameters and variables for making dialogue”.
He also gave the example of Britain’s MI5 and stated, “MI5 found that there is no single pathway to extremism. Many other organisations have similar comments and conclusions. That means true solution is missing, because the problem is not fully identified scientifically. On the other hand, my model is Exclusive Universal Inward Process Model of Counter Radicalisation. Its active, passive functions, direction, intensity and status are backed up by algebraic equations. It studies in depth the human mind space and diverse functions besides having a deep look into interactive management of message and thought.
The same is the case with many intellectuals who define violent radicalisation process but not as a sole pure process and link it to root causes and triggers. If radicalisation is just root causes and triggers identified, then why all are not radicalised on the basis of the same root causes and triggers? These intellectuals also define violent radicalisation as a complex process but it is not enough description for providing knowledge-based solutions”.
Answering another question, Mahmood agreed with this scribe that counter-radicalisation has grown as a fast industry since 9/11 but despite this industry’s growth, radicalisation to violence has also increased instead of decreasing.
“In reality not all extremists are radicalized through the same reasons like for instance gang’s culture, identity’s deprivation, religious heroism, paradise’s fascination and poverty as gathered from my biographic study and interviews of thousands of radicalised persons.
Mahmood further told The News: “I deviated toward the human mind space, its diverse function to establish a systematic understanding of message and thought as interactive management because with this approach every root cause can be evaluated as a message entering into human mind and after this induction of the message, the thoughts produced can be evaluated to activate specific behaviour, attitude which further activates specific acts and exposure. Different people open process differently because of the variety of the diverse functions of human mind space which are active against each message received”.
Cutting short his lengthy interview that requires at least dozens of pages to understand this phenomenon which Noor Dahri, independent counter-terrorism researcher in London, calls unique in itself (while talking to The News on phone), Mahmood offered his services to his native country, Pakistan. He said Pakistan has already suffered enormously due to wrong counter-terrorism policies. “I offer to set up an institute in Pakistan and I hope the government of Pakistan understands the worth of this offer of mine which is scientifically sound and which won’t burden Pakistan’s economy much since many foreign countries with a humanitarian agenda like Norway would be happy to offer financial support, as well.
Mian Saifur Rehman
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