HAVELSAN, a leading provider of command and control systems, participated in the NATO Submarine Commanders Conference (Submarine Commanders Conference-SSC) held in Maritime Security Center of Excellence (MARSEC COE)/Istanbul between 27-28 September 2023.
At the conference, HAVELSAN Subject Matter Expert (Title) Ahmet Berat İlhan gave a presentation on “Submarine Operations Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS)”.

In his presentation, İlhan emphasized the importance of interoperability and discussed the future of operational-level submarine operations command and control information systems, which will include operational planning of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) and how HAVELSAN’s concept is designed to meet the needs of next-generation underwater assets both for naval and civil UUVs.
“We are excited to share our vision for the future of submarine operations including UUVs command and control information systems” said İlhan.
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