Aerojet Rocketdyne continues to improve its processes to deliver advanced solid rocket motors to Lockheed Martin to power the Army’s Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS).
The company continues to upgrade manufacturing facilities, purchase new equipment and automate processes to meet expected increased capacity needs, including incorporating automated X-ray technology to improve production efficiency and increase capacity.
“Aerojet Rocketdyne has powered Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems for decades, delivering more than 35,000 solid rocket motors to support U.S. and allied warfighters in multiple conflicts,” said Eileen P. Drake, Aerojet Rocketdyne CEO and president. “We continue to automate our processes and modernize our facilities to support production today and for the future.”
In addition to producing the composite case motors for the GMLRS Insensitive Munitions Propulsion System variant, Aerojet Rocketdyne is the sole producer of the steel-case solid rocket motors for the GMLRS variant used by many of our allies. The GMLRS has been used to great effect by Ukrainian forces in their fight to defend their nation.
Aerojet Rocketdyne is the only company that produces both composite-case and steel-case solid rocket motors for the GMLRS.
Aerojet Rocketdyne has been a trusted supplier of GMLRS rocket motors for decades and our process improvements will continue to enable us to meet our customers’ demands.
“We continue to work closely with Lockheed Martin and the Army to support the future needs of our warfighters,” said Drake.
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