Russian Tor Tracked SAM Perfectly Fits for Deserts – Think-Tank

The Tor-A short-range air defense missile system, known as the Arctic Tor, can be successfully used in any other difficult climatic conditions, in a situation of complete impassability, on sand dunes and in swampy areas, announced the Russian Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade (CAWAT). Thus the system appears to be suitable for Russia’s partners in defense cooperation from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa etc. 

“Tor-M2DT air defense missile system, created for the Arctic, can be successfully used in any other difficult climatic conditions, in a situation of complete impassability, on sand dunes and in swampy terrain. For example, in the area of ​​the special military operation, the Tor-M2DT was used during the seasonal thaw, demonstrating its unique cross-country ability and high firepower. Capable of driving anywhere an infantryman can go, the system is ready to provide full-fledged air defense cover for troops in any of the selected areas of action, which dramatically increases the freedom of military planning and makes it possible to implement an operational and tactical plan that is unexpected for the enemy”, says the CAWAT’s report.

Tor-A is the export designation of the system, originally known as Tor-M2DT and developed on the basis of Tor-M2.

The system is distinguished by its ability to quickly deploy from marching order to combat (3 minutes), short reaction time from target detection to SAM launch (5-10 seconds), points out the think-tank.

The target detection range is 32 km, which is twice the radius of destruction and leaves enough time for interception. The target destruction zone of the newest Tor SAMs is up to 16 km in range and up to 12 km in altitude.

The combat-ready ammunition load consists of 16 9M338K SAMs, which allows to repel a massive aerial attack. The missiles reach speeds of up to 1000 m/sec and have a maneuvering overload of up to 35 g.

“In the “high-cross-country short-range SAM” subclass Tor-M2DT is head and shoulders above its Western counterparts. In terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, the Tor-M2DT, like other latest systems of the Tor family, has no equal in the world. And, just like other Tor versions, the performance characteristics of the Arctic Tor have been fully confirmed in real combat. Today, the experience of this combat forms the basis for further improvement of combat vehicles”, says the think-tank’s report.

Reference: Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade (CAWAT)[1]


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