MBDA, the European leader in complex weapons systems, will present at Eurosatory 2024 a comprehensive portfolio of sovereign defence solutions to meet the needs of armed forces’ in a changing strategic environment. Offering its customers solutions adapted to new battlefield challenges in a high-intensity environment, MBDA is showcasing unique new beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) and long-range strike capabilities.
MBDA is evolving Akeron into a family that includes dedicated BLOS capabilities, augmented by a new solution: Ground Warden. Ground Warden is the answer to ground operatives’ growing need for reactivity and assistance in an increasingly dynamic environment. Based on the Akeron MP weapon systems, Ground Warden accelerates the use of trusted AI to support decision-making and co-ordination between systems in BLOS engagements, while maintaining a human-in-the-loop.
In order to meet new long-range strike requirements, MBDA has capitalised on its expertise to offer European armed forces and their allies’ sovereign solutions in tactical and strategic areas. MBDA will be presenting a portfolio of complementary systems, including the Land Cruise Missile (LCM) that completes MBDA’s range of precision deep-strike products.
The changing strategic environment also emphasises the need for air defence against the entire spectrum of threats. Here, MBDA offers a full portfolio of solutions. The latest-generations of the Mistral, MICA and CAMM missile families provide multi-layered defence against all kind of threats, including co-ordinated and saturation attacks.
MBDA has also developed the Aster missile family, through co-operation between France, Italy and the UK. Its latest generation, the combat-proven Aster B1, has an international reputation for excellent performance against the most complex threats. Integrated into the SAMP/T system currently in service with armed forces, this family continues to evolve with the Aster B1 NT that is under development.
In its preparation for the future, MBDA will also be presenting Aquila, a concept for intercepting future hypersonic and ballistic threats. MBDA is capitalising on its co-operative DNA to bring together 14 European nations within the HYDIS2 consortium that is designing this future game-changing protective capability for Europe.
MBDA continues to put itself in battle order, offering a range of complex weapons systems to protect the sovereignty of Europe’s nations and their allies, while playing a major role in strengthening the decisive capabilities for the armed forces.
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