MBDA is showcasing, for the first time ever at Farnborough International Airshow, its new MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense System) VSHORAD (Very-Short Range Air Defense) solution, under development for the Italian Army and ready to be marketed to export customers.
The new VSHORAD missile is a supersonic, fire and forget, all-day interceptor, equipped by a seeker with image processing capabilities. It can target fighters, helicopters, small drones. Its design will allow a smooth integration either on current (VTLM2 by IDV with Leonardo turret, as displayed on MBDA stand) and on future vehicles, equipped by automated turrets.
Being man-portable, this VSHORAD solution will be suitable for paratroops and amphibious forces, while giving tactical advantage when mounted on military vehicles. This V-SHORAD system will also be integrated in Sky Warden, MBDA’s modular, scalable, and evolvable flagship system to counter unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS).
The system is in development following an Italian Army operational requirement expressed last year for a very short range man portable air defence missile. The system characteristics and performances are fully compliant with NATO standards.
Capitalizing on MBDA’s know-how in the design and development of air defence systems, the new missile will contribute to reinforce the company’s offer for a European multi-layer air defence capability, ranging from very short to the future Anti-Ballistic-Hypersonic Defence.
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