• Hanwhawill present a range of cutting-edge defense capabilities at IDEX 2025, underthe theme of ‘Driving Innovation with Partners’
• The K9Self-Propelled Howitzer fitted with Korean-built engine is to be unveiled forthe first time after successful trial runs
• Hanwha’sstate-of-the-art long-range surface-to-air ballistic missile defense system,L-SAM, is to highlight integrated air defense solutions against evolvingthreats
• As partof global expansion schemes, Hanwha has named Michael Coulter as Global DefensePresident & CEO, taking the helm of Hanwha’s international defense businessinitiatives across all domains of land, sea, and aerospace.
Hanwha’saerospace and defense affiliates will participate in the International DefenseExhibition (IDEX) 2025 at the ADNEC Exhibition Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE, fromFebruary 17-21, strengthening its presence in the Middle East and Africanmarkets.
Thelargest aerospace and defense contractor in South Korea, Hanwha will present avariety of cutting-edge capabilities, including artillery systems, armoredvehicles, a long-range ballistic interceptor system, and reconnaissancesatellites.
At theupcoming show, Hanwha Aerospace will unveil the K9A1 Self-Propelled Howitzerfitted with a domestically-built 1,000-horsepower engine for the firsttime. The homegrown engine has been tested intensively in South Korea, Egyptand other nations for a year to prove its reliability in different environmentsand territory.
TheLong-Range Surface-to-Air (L-SAM) missile system will also take the centerstage of the Hanwha stand as an optimal solution for Middle Eastern countriesseeking to enhance their air-defense network.
L-SAM isan upper tier air defense network interoperable with lower tier defense systemssuch as M-SAM and PAC-3, to provide enhanced defensive capabilities throughintegration with command and control (C2) system.
HanwhaAerospace develops the L-SAM interceptor missile capable of thwarting incomingballistic missiles at high altitudes, using sophisticated technologiesincluding the dual-pulse propulsion system, and the divert & altitudecontrol system. Mass production of the-LSAM is to begin this year for deliveryto the ROK Air Force. An improved variant, the L-SAM II is also underdevelopment to be completed by 2028.
HanwhaSystems is responsible for the L-SAM multi-function radar (MFR), capable ofdetecting and tracking terminal-phase, high-altitude ballistic missiles andaircraft at long ranges. In the space domain, Hanwha Systems is set to presentits latest small Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite, which can deliver0.25m resolution images for various purposes including Earth observation,environmental monitoring, disaster prediction, and logistic analysis.
“We’revery excited to present our technology, capabilities and commitment toindustrial partnerships at the IDEX 2025, as Hanwha is consistent with visionsof customers in the region to quickly bring world-leading defense capabilitiesto militaries while supporting and accelerating local industrial bases throughinvestment and localization efforts,” said Michael Coulter, who has been namedPresident & CEO of Hanwha Global Defense. “A world-leading, multi-domesticdefense leader, Hanwha is fully committed to providing all types of neededcapabilities in all domains of land, sea, and aerospace to global customers.”
Other capabilities to bedisplayed at IDEX include :
l Chunmoo MRLS
– Developedto counter North Korea’s long-range artillery threat, the K-239 Chunmoo MRLS iscapable of real-time precision strikes on key targets from outside the enemy’sartillery range
– Guidedmissiles equipped with GPS/INS combined navigation devices enable a precisionstrike capability of 15m CEP. It can be mounted with two firing pods in thelaunchpad, providing stronger firepower than other products in the market.
l RedbackIFV
– The Redback is one of the world’smost modern infantry fighting vehicle equipped with innovative technologiessuch as an active protection system, composite rubber tracks, enhanced layeredarmor protection, remote weapons station,and advanced systems architecture.
– In 2023, the Redback wasselected for the Australian Army’s LAND 400 Phase 3 program to provide 129vehicles.
– The TIGON IFV is a 8×8 multi-purpose wheeled armored vehicle equippedwith diverse armament systems, such as RCWS. 20-30mm autocannons, and 900mmlow-recoil guns. With its 525hp engine and waterjet, the vehicle can move at a maximumspeed of 100km/h on the paved road and cross the river at a speed of 8km/h.
– The TIGON Tank Destroyer (TD) is a new variant with improvedmobility, firepower, and survivability. The Tigon TD loads TAipers ATGMlauncher on top, enabling combat initiation outside the enemy line of sight.The TD version is powered by a 700hp engine offers enduring maneuverabilityunder harsh conditions such as deserts. It is armed with enhanced armorprotection systems.
l TAipers
– The TAiper (Tank Sniper) is a fifth-generation anti-tank guidedmissile, featuring different types of firing modes such as fire & forget,and None-line-of-sight. The missile is capable of changing the target evenafter firing.
– Designed to be installed on attack helicopters for air-to-surfacestrike capability, the TAipers can also be mounted on various types of landplatforms such as IFV, APC and UGV.
– The Hybrid Short-Range Air Defense (H-SHORAD) is a next-generationwheeled vehicle armed with a 30mm/40mm gun unmanned turret; a surface-to-airmissile system; and 3D AESA radar.
– With enhanced trackingcapability and firepower, the H-SHORAD is an optimal solution to thwart smallUAVs and different types of aerial threats in various terrain and weatherconditions.
l Multi-Function Radar (MFR)
– The M-SAMMulti-Function Radar (MFR) is capable of simultaneously detecting all aircraftand missiles attacking from any direction. The M-SAM II MFR is capable ofperforming detection and tracking, friend or foe (IFF) identification, jammingresponse, and guided missile detection, tracking, and communication-all with asingle AESA radar.
– The L-SAMMFR has the capability to track and counter high-altitude ballistic missiles,long-range aircraft, and cruise missiles, offering enhanced protection forairspace defense.
l Anti-Drone System
– Themobile Anti-Drone System is a comprehensive, multi-layered defense solutiondesigned to detect and identify low-flying, small unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). Equipped with a wide range of defense capabilities, the system offersmulti-layered responses at varying distances, including jammer technology,drone capture mechanisms, and laser systems, to effectively neutralize UAVs ataltitudes ranging from 1 to 3 kilometers.
– ThisAnti-Drone System can be deployed to protect critical nationalinfrastructure-including government buildings, airports, and oilrefineries-against the growing threat of swarm drones and small UAVs.
To explore Hanwha’scapabilities, please visit Hanwha stand A40 in Hall 12.
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