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The Italian President Sergio Mattarella, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Graziano Delrio, Elia (FS Italiane) and Moretti (Finmeccanica) on board of the new train designed by AnsaldoBreda/Bombardier for Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane on its maiden run
Rome, 25 April 2015 – Racing at 300 km/h from the North to the South of Italy, the brandnew Frecciarossa 1000 – designed by AnsaldoBreda, a Finmeccanica company, in partnership with Bombardier, for Trenitalia (FS Italiane Group) – took its maiden run from
Milan to Rome today. The guest passenger was the Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, that, accompanied by the newly appointed Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Graziano Delrio, and by the Minister of Heritage, Cultural Activity and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, had
the opportunity of experiencing the latest jewel of the railway company of Pistoia.
"President Mattarella has baptized the jewel in the crown of our Country’s railway production – said Mauro Moretti, CEO and General Manager of Finmeccanica – and it meant crowning years of work. The future prospected five years ago just started off today, on board of this
futuristic and super high-tech train. Today – Moretti continued – marks a new way of conceiving the rail industry. The Frecciarossa 1000 is the fruit of high-level industrial skills and a synthesis of state-of-the-art and the excellence of technology, professionalism, passion
and design that our Country is capable of expressing. This train – added the CEO and General Manager of Finmeccanica – has raised the benchmark for international standards, which all our competitors will have to take as a point of reference from now on. Today the
Frecciarossa 1000 – Moretti concluded – arrives punctually at the meeting with Expo Milano 2015, tomorrow it will be ready to race down high speed rail of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and, in the future, it will be capable of meeting the challenge of global markets, making a weighty contribution to the image and competitiveness of Italian industry and of the entire Country.”
Maurizio Manfellotto, CEO of AnsaldoBreda, added: “This marks the end of two-and-a-half very intense and busy years. The Frecciarossa 1000, which made its debut today, is the outcome of the commitment of our 2,200 workers who, still complying with the date of delivery, have manufactured a train unmatched up to now. The Company would like to thank all of them.”
The “most beautiful train in the world” will take Italy to the Expo Milano 2015 and will start running from June, with the beginning of the summer timetable of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
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