Exail announced the acquisition of Leukos, a company specializing in lasers, including supercontinuum lasers.Exail has been operating in the photonics sector for many years within the Advanced Technologies segment,which supports its main segement, Navigation & Maritime Robotics.
Leukos is a French company employing around twenty employees. It generates an annual revenue ofapproximately 3 million euros, with an EBITDA margin close to that of the Exail group. The company hasspecialized for several years in the development of high-tech products, such as pulsed micro-lasers,supercontinuum laser sources, and ultrashort lasers in the mid-infrared.
This acquisition, financed by the company’s available cash, is the first made by Exail since the merger between ECA and iXblue. Although modest in size, this operation paves the way for significant technological and commercial synergies for the group by combining Leukos’ expertise with its own in special fibers and integrated optical systems. The teams of both companies are already familiar with each other, facilitating an efficient integration.
Exail’s Advanced Technologies segment develops the most advanced photonic and quantum components(special optical fibers, optical modulators, quantum measurement instruments) and products using the mostadvanced technologies (embedded communication equipment, simulators, decision-making autonomy).These components and products are sold directly to third parties or integrated into the Navigation & MaritimeRobotics segment’s systems.
With this operation, Exail affirms its ambition to establish itself as one of the most innovative mid-sizedcompanies in France. The company ranks among the top ten patent filers with the INPI among mid-sizedcompanies and continues to invest in research and development to offer high value-added products to itscustomers, both in the defense and civil sectors.
Exail Technologies is an industrial company specializing in high technologies in the field of autonomous robotics withvertical integration of its activities. The group offers complex systems of drones, navigation, as well as products foraerospace and photonics. Exail Technologies ensures performance, reliability, and security for its civil and military clientsoperating in harsh environments and generates its revenue in nearly 80 countries.
Exail Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment B (EXA) and is part of the Euronext Tech Leaderssegment, which includes over 110 leading or high-growth tech companies in their fields.
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