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The ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Group will be showcasing its products and technologies at the Defence Security and Equipment International (DSEI) in London, taking place from September 15 to 18, 2015. The main focus of its presentation will be on innovative products and technologies in the fields of submarine systems, surface combatant systems, unmanned vehicles, torpedo technology, and systems for coastal and harbour protection.
The following “Innovations by ATLAS” will be displayed:
In a sonar concept study, ATLAS ELEKTRONIK was asked to define, specify, design and de-velop a new array configuration for the then latest boats of the German Navy (U212A, 2nd Batch). Questions of a fundamental nature, such as the influence of the flow-induced noise on a flank array of expanded area, called the Expanded Flank Array, were clarified theoretically by simulation and also empirically through trials and measurements. Trials with the test body ‘Flame’ showed that the array to be developed should be fitted with a sonar dome for en-hanced performance. This is one of the unique features of the EFAS array in comparison to competing systems, which do not have a sonar dome.
The subsequent development work was carried out in close collaboration with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. Through the comprehensive use of numerical simulation methods, ATLAS broke new ground in order to obtain the optimum solution for the partly conflicting requirements regarding the acoustics, the flow properties and the strength, especially in view of the very high shock requirements.
The development yielded a solution that was able to demonstrate considerable gains in per-formance for the EFAS at sea with the U-35 of the German Navy. The range of this new type of flank array can extend up to 100 kilometres for surface targets, such as merchant ships, and typically is a factor of two or three times more than the values achieved with the precursor ar-ray.
The effectiveness of tactical data links is one of the strategic success factors in networked and joint operations. The prime challenge is to give all participating units full information to meet both the tactical situation and the requirements in near real-time for a common operational picture. The innovative ATLAS Data Link System ADLiS offers a degree of interoperability that is unprecedented in the market: coverage of all NATO Link channels (11, 16 and 22), provision of the new Link A for non-NATO units, as well as the unique ability to allow data exchange between all channels. ADLiS means boundless tactical communication in near real-time.
By integrating products across the ATLAS Group, a highly effective mine warfare mission sys-tem has been developed. With its large and flexible payload bay, the ARCIMS unmanned sur-face vehicle (USV) is augmented by the advanced ATLAS SeaCat autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to allow autonomous mine-hunting missions.
ARCIMS’ AUV launch and recovery system allows the AUV to be launched over the stern for concealed mine-hunting operations. For example, in an over-the-horizon or covert mine-hunting mission, the USV launches the AUV, which then carries out its mine warfare mission by surveying the seabed using on-board sonar. By surfacing temporarily during the mission, the UUV transmits sonar data back to the Command Centre via the USV acting as a relay sta-tion. The USV can recover the AUV automatically through a nose-mounted capture device, thus efficiently retrieving the vehicle for the next mission.
The ARCIMS USV can be seen in live performances at East of Royal Victoria Dock, ExCel on:
– Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12.00pm and 3.30pm
– Friday, 11.30am and 2.30pm
HEAVYWEIGHT TORPEDO SeaHake mod4 Extended Range:
With a maximum range repeatedly having been demonstrated to extend beyond 80 nautical miles, the SeaHake® mod4 Extended Range (ER) sets a new benchmark for heavyweight torpedo operations that unlocks new tactical and operational capabilities.
While retaining all tactical capabilities of the original SeaHake mod4, the new ER version fully exploits the combat battery and propulsion system to achieve the world’s longest range for heavyweight torpedoes, outperforming its competitors by a factor of two to three. To permit communication between the torpedo and firing unit, a new high-precision navigation and com-munication section provides a satellite communication and navigation capability throughout the operational cycle.
This unique performance provides significant new operational and tactical capabilities, such as launching the torpedo from land for coastal defence, surface ship launching from long range, and torpedo operations using third-party targeting (TPT) into extreme littoral environments.
For land-launching, an innovative mobile launching system for the SeaHake mod4 ER forms the basis of a robust and effective anti-access/area denial (A2-AD) coastal defence system. The large-area coverage of the system, utilizing the torpedo range of more than 80 nautical miles, combines with the low-cost readiness and operation to offer unparalleled efficiency in coastal A2-AD against surface and subsurface targets. High-value installations and sea lines of communication (SLOC) chokepoints can be covered 24/365 with instantly ready and mobile effectors.
The new ATLAS protection system ASCA considers the specific requirements of the diverse application environments through its extremely scalable and modular architecture. Thanks to the versatile configuration possibilities with underwater and surface sensors, an optimum situa-tion picture can be generated for any local and regional need.
Starting with the protection of port terminals or refineries and expandable up to the full surveil-lance of entire coastal regions and the wide-ranging exclusive economic zones (EEZs) extend-ing out to 200 nautical miles, ASCA is able to cover all the necessary tactical, operational and strategic missions.
Depending on the needs of the customer, all products of ATLAS ELEKTRONIK can be inte-grated into the flexible system architecture together with third-party units.
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