Anschütz transforms the integrated bridge system into an effective integrated mission system for small to fit the growing mission profiles of naval platforms like offshore patrol vessels, high-speed interceptors and minehunting vessels.The integrated mission system is equipped with a Synapsis NX navigation and bridge system, a SYNTACS NX command and control system, mission-specific software modules, and sensors and systems as required. After delivery, Anschütz can support customers with comprehensive after sales services including logistical services, system maintenance and technical service.
Anschütz is an experienced integrator of customised navigation and mission systems. As a solution partner, we accompany our customer throughout the entire process, from the project initiation and requirements specification through system design to implementation and after-sales services (including logistical services, system maintenance and technical service according to customer requirements).
Mission System Applications
Anschütz designs a tailor-made mission system within tight budgets, based on the SYNTACS NX command and control system, that effectively supports the crews on board through high mission performance, ease of use, and low training requirements. With SYNTACS, we provide customers with the basic capability for above-water warfare missions. This ranges from critical infrastructure protection to maritime interdiction operations, low to medium intensity combat management, but also the special capability for mine countermeasure missions.

SYNTACS for patrol boats / interceptors
SYNTACS compiles an operational picture from the data and presents the operator with a clearly structured dashboard for tactical navigation, mission planning and execution, as well as basic combat capability. Capabilities also include a solid-state radar for surveillance and navigation, alarm and guard zones with intercept capability, search and rescue, data links to share a common operational picture, and the integration of self-contained weapon systems.

SYNTACS for mine countermeasure (MCM) vessels
The SYNTACS MCM module provides the capabilities required to plan, execute, coordinate and monitor mine countermeasure missions. With the highest precision, suspicious objects are pinpointed on the tactical chart display in real time. They can then be shared with any workstation as well as with connected vessels or land stations for identification, situation assessment or warning. SYNTACS also integrates AUV and USV and sonar systems.

SYNTACS for offshore patrol vessels (OPV)
SYNTACS’ multifunctional, space-saving workplaces are suited for vessels with a short path between navigation and operation in the combat information centre, making SYNTACS smart for OPVs, navies or coast guards. It offers a comprehensive maritime picture with tailor-made features, alarm and guard zones, search and rescue, an integrated electro-opti- cal system and surveillance radars, helicopter guidance, tactical data links and mission data recording.
Comprehensive After Sales Services
With decades of experience, Anschütz offers our naval customers excellent technical support and maintenance services, including comprehensive in-service-support packages, ensuring maximum mission readiness throughout the lifetime of the vessels. Click the tabs below to learn more about the benefits we can provide with our after sales services:

Benefits for Navies
We keep the fleet ready for our customers missions.
- Holistic, proactive customer support reduces admin workload
- Highest uptime and full operational capability of vessels at all times
- Ongoing training program consisting of classroom and hands-on education
- Predictable costs
Benefits for Shipyards and Integrators
Our services contribute to reliable project execution and mission excellence.
- Forward-looking and low-risk solutions enables planning security
- Technicians with specialized skills and dedicated project teams
- Fast response and large stocks to provide critical spare parts worldwide
Benefits for Operators
We reliably ensure full operational availability and mission readiness.
- Forward-looking maintenance significantly reduces downtime for corrective maintenance effort or failures
- Regular software updates to ensure most up to date capabilities are available
- 24/7 hotline provides direct contact and assistance whenever required
Key Benefits
Ship-specific, cost-effective, ease-to-use mission system.
- Single responsible contractor for development, integration, supply and support
- Highly affordable system and low lifecycle cost (built on COTS technology)
- Combining navigation, command-and-control and combat systems on space-saving multifunction workstations improves platform capabilities regarding accurate and safe mission execution
- Significantly enhanced situational awareness through a consistent common operating picture
- Wide-ranging tactical functions, system modules and scalable extensions for different missions
- Sensor-agnostic system for seamless integration and add-on, replacement or removal of components
- Standardised hardware makes spare parts logistics easier and more flexible
- Reduced need for training because of standardised user interfaces
- Customer-proven system with dozens of systems already delivered
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