Transport Canada’s National Aerial Surveillance Program (NASP) is set to benefit from the advanced surveillance capabilities of Leonardo’s Osprey radar. Crews conducting missions to help Canada stay safe will benefit from the radar’s powerful oil-spill detection and vessel tracking capabilities.
Osprey is Leonardo’s latest-generation E-scan (electronically-scanning) surveillance radar which employs
a digital beam to almost-instantaneously detect, track and classify hundreds of maritime contacts, in 360
degrees around the aircraft.
ST Airborne Systems will integrate the Osprey radar onto one of NASP’s iconic red Dash-8 aircraft, based
in Ottawa. The multi-domain nature of Osprey makes it ideally suited to supporting NASP’s environmental
protection mission in mixed environment operations along Canada’s coastline.
One of the key goals of Transport Canada’s NASP is to prevent pollution in Canadian waters, protecting
the maritime environment and endangered marine life. The Osprey radar will be a powerful new tool in the
delivery of this mission, with the ability to identify oil spills and rogue polluters at very long range, day or
Transport Canada also flies into action to save lives during search and rescue incidents for which Osprey
is uniquely suited. The radar comes equipped with Leonardo’s patented small target detection capability,
allowing it to locate shipwrecked individuals in the water at long range, even in the most difficult
environmental conditions and sea states.
The radar’s portfolio of modes will also be able to contribute to national security events, police
investigations, humanitarian efforts, and civil emergencies.
Customers in 30 countries have selected Leonardo’s E-scan radars including the Seaspray and Osprey
families. The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is upgrading to the Osprey radar and the US
Navy has procured the Osprey 30 radar for its Fire Scout unmanned helicopter programme.
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